What To Look At When Buying Eyelash Extensions
If you’re looking for a way to glam up your eyes and make them stand out, eyelash extensions are the perfect option! But before you invest, you need to check out this post on what to look for when buying lashes. eyelash wholesale distributor and independent eyelash spinner Upfront Eyelash compiled all the information you need to make an educated decision.
When buying eyelash extensions, you can choose between two main options:
Individual lashes are what most people think of when they hear “eyelash extension.” These are usually applied one by one to each lash. To apply a single lash, there is a unique applicator with a wooden handle and a wire at the end. The wire is bent into a perfect curve that cuddles nicely around your eyelashes and rests against your lash line. The applicator has disposable plastic tips for maneuvering the lash around each lash. It’s much more time-consuming than entire strip lashes.
Strip lashes are the second option for owning extensions. These are applied and removed using an applicator with a plastic strip on one end and a wax paper or cotton strip on the other. You place the strip into your lash line, hold onto the applicator and pull out a strip to reveal your new lashes! This procedure takes little time and is less labor-intensive than individual lashes. Strip lashes are, however, more expensive than individual ones (there is often a more significant price difference between each lash added; i.e.: single vs double row vs quad). Most salons offer more than one option for strip lashes, like synthetic, mink, and silk, which vary in price.
Another question you’ll need to ask yourself is how long you want your lashes to be. This will range from a natural look (medium length) to an incredibly fake, club-going effect (extra long). If you think about it like this, it’s easy to see why they are so popular. Extensions can be any length you want them to be, and they can change the whole shape of your eyes. You could go up one row for a natural look or two rows for a night out.
In conclusion, there are many different types of eyelash extensions. One thing is for sure, though, you either have to have a lot of patience or a lot of disposable income. The former is required to go through all the individual lashes – imagine trying to apply one by one on every single lash – while the latter will cost you a small fortune.